What is Global Warming? Reasons, Causes and Effects


One of the crucial environmental issues of our time is global warming. It is the gradual rise in temperature of the earth’s surface atmosphere. This impact extends into various areas such as the environment, human health, economies and endangers global stability. It is in our best interests to be informed about global warming, how it happens and what the effects are so that we can find ways on how worse climate change will become if not acted upon immediately.

What is Global Warming?

The long-term rise in Earth’s average surface temperature due to human activity, primarily from the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Although Earth’s climate has varied over millennia, the rapid warming and related changes observed during the past century are unprecedented and largely a result of human activities.

It is important to differentiate between global warming and climate change. Global warming is the Earth getting hotter, primarily due to the use of fossil fuels and a resultant increase in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere; it leads to climate change. This is explained very well on NASA’s overview of climate change.

Causes of Global Warming

Greenhouse Gasses:

The atmosphere is more than 95% nitrogen mixed with oxygen but a smaller fraction, so-called greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and chlorofluorocarbons trap heat into the Earth’s surroundings preventing them from escaping back into space. The work of the greenhouse effect critical in maintaining local temperatures on earth. But human activities have released huge amounts of these gasses, and the greenhouse effect has been enhanced which caused global warming.

Concerning the emission of greenhouse gasses, we know that:

Human Activities:

Then they will have to admit that the main reason for the rapid advance of global warming is human activities. Here are a few of the main reasons:

  • Industrialization and the Start of Fossil Fuel Burning: The large scale burning since the Industrial Revolution led to massive rise in CO2 concentration. In fact, still today, energy production and use are the largest sector of greenhouse gas emissions. Explore the history of industrialization and its environmental impact from nih.org
  • Deforestation and Land-Use Changes: According to the IPCC, forests and land-use changes store carbon as a force sink by reabsorbing atmospheric CO2. But deforestation to create room for agriculture, human structures and other purposes diminishes Earth’s carbon sink capacity that partakes in diminishing CO2, making the problem worse. The impact of deforestation on global warming WWF
  • Agriculture: Agricultural practices like rice cultivation as well livestock production release a lot of methane and nitrous oxide. On top of this, the global consumption of meat and dairy products worsens the situation. Learn more about Agriculture and Climate Change from the FAO:

Natural Causes:

The causes of the recent climate change are human factors, however it can also be affected by natural reasons:

  • Natural Processes: Climate cycles and Volcanoes: Naturally occurring variability may account for the lack of warming over longer periods, but it is unlikely to be responsible for short 10-year timescales. Large volcanic eruptions also emit significant amounts of aerosols that can lead to short-term cooling by blocking sunlight. Learning cycles in natural climate and effects from NOAA
  • Solar Radiation: A small variation in the sun’s energy output can have an appreciable impact on Earth’s climate. Nevertheless, the study of past climates shows that solar radiation changes are insufficient alone to account for how much Earth has warmed over recent periods. NASA’s Space Radiation and Climate

Effects of Global Warming

Environmental Impact:

Global warming will have both immediate and long-term impacts on our environment that is already starting to show, which are projected if trends continue: 

Global temperatures too are climbing with polar ice caps and glaciers melting into the oceans, adding to sea level rise. The ice is melting and sea level rise affects us all from coastal communities to ecosystems, infrastructure worldwide. Rising Sea Levels | National GeographicScientists say the rapid melting of Greenland’s ice sheet is likely being caused…www.nationalgeographic.com

 Melting Polar Ice Caps and Glaciers: Rapid ice melt in polar regions, as well as from mountain glaciers is causing sea level rises and critically warming fragmented habitats for things such as the Arctic’s majestic but privileged few species of animals like polar bears or seals. WWF — impacts on polar ice caps

Ocean acidification: More CO2 in the atmosphere is not only heating up our planet, but it also winds up being absorbed by the oceans which make them more acidic. That makes them a threat to many marine life forms, especially those with shells made of calcium carbonate like coral and mollusks. NOAA fact sheet on ocean acidification

Loss of Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Global warming has led to habitat shifts that have resulted in loss of biodiversity. The consequence of this is that many species are not able to adapt quickly enough, and we see declines in populations and extinctions. Climate change in the news. Biodiversity loss according to the UNDRR Read More 

Impact on Weather Patterns:

With global warming, Mother Nature goes haywire and produces more extreme events due to changes in weather patterns:

Severe Weather Events Arising More Often: The increasing number of categories  and  hurricanes, prolonged droughts or torrential rainfall causing destructive floods are due to global warming. These elements lead to severe devastation, loss of life and economic catastrophe. Learn how could extreme weather be linked to global warming from World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Shifts in precipitation patterns: More places are experiencing heavier rainfall, leading to flooding and soil erosion or longer drought periods that alter water availability for crops. IPCC: The Impact of Global Warming on Precipitations

Impact on Human Health:

Global warming seriously threatens human health and well-being.

Heat-related Illness: As temperatures rise, so do the dangers of heat waves which can result in illnesses like heatstroke and dehydration, a de facto death sentence for some vulnerable populations such as our seniors or establishment children. Read WHO´s report on health impacts of climate change.

Diseases: Rising temperatures and changing ecosystems are responsible for the spread of deadly diseases including malaria, dengue fever or Lyme disease as vectors like mosquitoes extend their range. Climate change and vector-borne diseases CDC’s guide.

Economic Consequences:

The effects of global warming on the economy are extensive and affect several industries, including:

Agriculture and Climate Change: The agricultural production is facing a severe threat due to climate change in the form of changing temperature, changing precipitation pattern as well frequency; intensity/ severity of various natural disasters which are bent on ensuring food security & livelihood with a direct impact especially over developing countries. The World Bank examines economic effects stemmed from changes in the global climate

Costs for Recovery from, and Damage of Infrastructure Due to Disaster: The rise in magnitude and frequency of natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding events or wildfires is causing a surge in costs associated with recovering from these incidents while also driving infrastructure damages. United Nations: Economic losses from climate-related disasters are devastating

Solutions to Global Warming

Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to fight global warming. Key strategies include:

Switch to Renewable Energy: Moving away from oil or natural gas using solar, wind and hydropower sources aids in reducing carbon emissions while supporting a sustainable future for energy. International Energy Agency (IEA): Renewable energy solutions

Increase Energy Efficiency: Improved energy efficiency can help reduce heavy dependence on consumption both in residential, industrial and transportation sectors. U.S. Department of Energy: The significance of energy efficiency

Sustainability Practices and Methodologies:

Countries, industry must implement practical climate change measures And back policy moves:

Reforestation / Afforestation: Simply planting more trees and regenerating forests pays towards soaking up atmospheric Furthermore, the following can be done in order to help sequester carbon and mitigate devastating consequences of deforestation

United Nations reforestation efforts and their implications

Supporting Carbon Pricing and Climate Policies: By putting in place carbon pricing mechanisms like the imposition of carbon taxes, or by introducing cap-and-trade systems can encourage combat climate change. What is Carbon Pricing, basic information from The WORLD BANK

Individual Actions:

Everyday individual choices plays a role in the fight against Global Warming :

Carbon Footprint Reduction: You can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by taking small steps like switching to energy-efficient appliances, driving less and supporting eco-friendly businesses.How to reduce Carbon Foot-printing (the Nature Conservancy)

Advocating for Climate Action: This entails educating and getting frames of climate-friendly policies to be integrated at the local, national. Want to take action and advocate for climate change. More info from 350 org

Global Warming: Myths and Facts

There are a few myths regarding global warming that need be cleared up:

Myth: Global warming is a natural process and not the result of human endeavor.

Fact: Earth’s climate has always varied on its own, but it is driven rapidly into a warming trend due to human activity. The observed rapid warming of the Earth, especially since 1950 and virtually unprecedented in the past 10 millennia or more, is consistent with long-term changes in climatic forcing by greenhouse gasses due to human activities.  MORE Myths about global warming debunked.

Myth: My little contribution to global warming does not count

Fact: Sure, systemic change is needed but every little thing helps in the great scheme of things to lower GHG levels. All small actions help and if more businesses follow this example, the impact will be substantial. Individual climate change solutions from Project Drawdown


Global warming is an intricate challenge and not a simple fix so requires imperative combined action. It helps to explain both the cause, impact and possible solutions for individuals, governments and organizations so that they can then plan a more sustainable future.


Greenhouse gasses are those that occur in the atmosphere, with carbon dioxide (CO2) being the most well-­understood and possibly posing one of humankind’s biggest dilemmas. Humans create more CO2 than any other greenhouse gas by burning fossil fuels, particularly coal, wood oil,and natural gas hedge enter forestation processes,and industrial processes.

Global warming contributes to higher levels of water, extreme weather events (like cyclones and hurricanes) damage biodiversity (extinction), affects ecosystems, agriculture and human health. 

I: though it may not be possible to fully stop global warming there are ways we can change, lowering our gas emissions, going more green, knocking down the fossil fuel smoke stack forest while we’re at that doing some recycling. 

Its long-term consequences are even more devastating natural disasters will become deadlier and occur with increasing regularity many species, including whole habitats, may be lost forever; economic instability is almost a certainty the report even warns of “potentially severe direct effects on human health” 

Those include using energy-efficient appliances, driving less or scooting around with electric Go Bikes and Scoots, recycling materials that do not biodegrade readily (such as plastic containers), purchasing goods produced by sustainably minded companies maybe even the most important of all engaging in advocacy work: working to make sure your elected officials pass climate-friendly policies. 

Call to Action

Global warming and the consequences of it are felt directly all over our planet, which is why we have to start with every single one ioni. Reduce your carbon footprint, support sustainable practices and spread the word about how we need to tackle global warming. Share with others to help raise awareness and create change together. We can make a difference together.

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